Quality Is Important To Us
In pursuance of our quality objectives, Discovery Precision Machining has made significant investments to maintain quality, continuous improvement and consistency throughout our production process, to create a competitive advantage that we can pass on to our customers.
Our temperature controlled Quality Assurance room is fully equipped and calibrated to ISO 10012-1 and MIL-STD-45662.
Our quality system has been developed within the requirements and guidelines of AS 9100 & ISO 9001, which ensures that our quality procedures, management processes, and product control meet the requirements specific to the aerospace and the manufacturing community. This ensures our comprehensive quality system focuses on areas directly impacting product safety and reliability in the aerospace industry and is beneficial to our customers in other industries as well. The value to all of our customers includes documented quality management and manufacturing processes that ensures consistency in the quality standard from one component to the next.
ISO Certification
Our Quality philosophy is built around the basic elements of quality, cost, schedule and customer service in our business of manufacturing, with quality being in the forefront of every activity we are involved with. We will work towards meeting and exceeding our customer’s goals and expectations for quality, in every sphere of our manufacturing environment.
Quality relationship both internal & external is a result of a disciplined continuous improvement in our customer / supplier relations, communications and corporate teamwork.
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Our Management System
The Quality management system is supported by: Experienced, knowledgeable and trained quality personnel. Our DynaQual quality system includes:
1. Calibration tracking
2. Record Tracking (Drawing Revision Control, Document Control)
3. Non Conformance Tracking (NCMR, CAR)
4. Report Tracking (Inspection Report, First Article Report, Certificate of Compliance)
Discovery’s Quality Policy
“Discovery Precision Machining Inc. shall commit to providing products conforming or exceeding customer’s contractual requirements by continuously improving quality processes, targeting 97% on time delivery and no more than 3 customer returns in a quarter.”